

Cele 7 cele mai bune motive pentru a Homesteading într-un apartament

O familie fericita

Într-o lume amenințată în permanență, plină de dezastre naturale și de incertitudini economice, homesteading pare a fi o idee foarte bună. Ce înseamnă homesteading? Este vorba de a trăi în condiții dure într-o cabană mică în mijlocul pădurii? Sau poți să te gospodărești într-un apartament? Indiferent de situația în care trăiești, iată cele mai bune …

Cele 7 cele mai bune motive pentru a Homesteading într-un apartament Read More »

10 Old-Fashioned Tips for Living in the Country That Might Actually Hurt You

Mother with children baking

Country life. It’s a dream for many young families – getting away from the city and embracing a simpler, more peaceful way of living. Although this is an admirable goal, I’m shocked at how little these families are educated on what to do when they make the move. Too often, they try to replicate everything …

10 Old-Fashioned Tips for Living in the Country That Might Actually Hurt You Read More »

Why do you think farmers stop farming?

Land was once considered to be a farmer’s most valuable asset. But now, the farmer is more commonly viewed as an “endangered species”. A farmer can feel, both literally and figuratively, that they are fighting a losing battle against tough economic and environmental conditions. However, some farmer-members of farmer’s unions suggest that farmer bankruptcies are …

Why do you think farmers stop farming? Read More »